Friday, January 12, 2007

Genuine Thoughts

Be real. That's something I often tell myself. But what does that "really" mean? I thought I was real all the time. Perhaps "Be genuine" is closer to what I mean. I want to be honest with myself about how I feel. About what I think about. That is what I want others to see. That I am, what I appear to be.

A wiseman, the Son of God, once said, "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."

What is in my heart? Maybe the better question is, "What is flowing out of my mouth?" Because that will tell me what is in my heart. So what is the answer? Words of praise? Words of love? Words that build up? Words that teach? Words that are genuine?

I believe some might call this "ironic".

A fool once asked a wise child, "May I take your picture?"
And the wise child gazed at him slightly lifting her brow.


Ginny said...

Thank you for those thoughts. I think that was something I needed to hear.

April said...

Be Genuine--- That's a good challenge for myself.

It's so true. I used to be so annoyed at my engaged sisters who wouldn't shut up about their lovers. I hope my love for Christ is like that: so big that I can't keep His name off my lips. If we keep our eyes focused on Christ, therefore recognizing all that He is, how can our love for Him be anything less? -Hebrews 12:2
I appreciate the encouragement. Thank you Jesus!
PS. your pictures are amazing :)