Thursday, October 30, 2008

오토바이 (oh-toe-buy) - Korean for motorcycle (sounds a lot like "auto bike")

It's fun giving a ride to someone who hasn't really ridden motorcycles before.

My friend Christina is a full time student. She never has time to do anything fun. :) Well, she recently finished a major test, so this week was a little more relaxed for her.

I had once mentioned that I wanted to visit one of the famous sticker making shops. She said she'd never ridden a motorcycle through Seoul. So it was a deal.

The photo place was cool. You step into the booth and it takes about 10 pictures rapid fire. Then you step over to an editing booth. Your pictures pop up and you're given 25 seconds or so to choose four photos you like. Then you pick up these digital pens and you get to decorate your photos. You simply draw on the screen. You can also change the photo background or use pre-made stamps to put little cartoon characters or shapes on the pics. Christina said it's all about the decoration. When you're all finished decorating, you hit the print button. And you've got yourself a set of cool stickers. They're pretty small... so the pictures I took of the stickers are low quality and blurry, but I wanted to give you an idea of what they looked like.

So for my end of the deal, we drove around Seoul for nearly 2 hours. It was great. I think she had fun. To end the night we took some pics near a bright lamp we found. And that's my story.


HektikLyfe said...

You guys are pretty funny. I bet you spent a lot of time laughing. We have some of those little sticker machines around here. I have one picture in my wallet now. We crammed 5 people into that little machine! XD

Great use of depth of field again by the way. Is that a new bike?

HektikLyfe said...

Oh and I have noticed that a lot of Asian words sound a lot like English. I think because the languages are so old, they had to create words to apply to them so why not make them sound alike.

ryan said...

yeah, we did laugh a lot. and yep, new bike. well, i've been driving it for about a month.

there are a lot of words here they call "konglish". it can be like a game. if you say the korean word fast enough you can figure out the english word it came from... like "cho-koh-leet". it's sort of like how english stole a lot of french/other words.