Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Intruder

I came home after work and noticed something different about the apartment. Slowly, I set my bag and helmet down. Moving cautiously, I made my way around the inside of the room. When I checked behind the refrigerator, the struggle began...

The change I had noticed was subtle... but strong... and it was everywhere... the smell of sour milk. After tracking the horrible smell to the corner of the apartment that housed the fridge, I discovered that a bottle, jug, plastic container (whatever it's called) had sprung a leak inside the fridge. Milk was everywhere. I cleaned the inside up and thought that was the end of it.

But the smell just wouldn't go away. How was I supposed to know that there was a drain that went out the back... how was I supposed to know that the overflow container had itself overflowed... how was I supposed to know that all that milk would then be slowly "cooked" by the refrigerator heat exchanger?

Yuck... it took me forever to clean that thing out. Basically, I think I made sour cream... or sour cheese... or something sour that wasn't simply milk anymore. It was something gelatinous.

So I think I finally took care of my "intruder", but it wasn't easy.

The weapons...
-washcloth: to scrub accessible areas clean of smelly yuck.
-spoon: to scoop out smelly yuck from areas unreachable by washcloth.
-chopstick: to scrape out hardened milk from areas unreachable by spoon.
-shaving cream: cleaner and smell get ridder of-er (I know I made that word up).
-lighter: to light some paper on fire to create smoke, which then cleaned the air of sour stink.
-toilet: toxic disposal device... I flushed the awful milk ooze to a place where it can't hurt anyone ever again.

1 comment:

HektikLyfe said...

Thats so funny. Its almost like a HowTo guide. XD

If there is one thing I can't stand, its the smell of sour milk. I can tell the day it goes bad. My stomach feels like it wants to jump out of my body to save itself.

That stench will return. It goes away then on hot days...

BAM! It hits you in the face.