Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sleepy Sergei

I was walking through the store when two Korean girls stopped me.

"Yes, how can I help you?" I said.

They froze in shock... "Oh, we thought you were Russian. Have you heard of Jehovah Witness? Have you heard of our magazine? We would like to give you one, but we only have them in Russian."

I said. "No thanks, I don't want a magazine."

And we parted ways. During our short conversation, I really wanted to say...

"I believe Jesus is God. What do you think? Have you read the gospels? Why were people always trying to stone Jesus? Was it because he was claiming to be God? Do you think he was lying? If yes... think about this... if you told everyone you were president of Korea and then they tried to kill you because you said it... would you let them kill you? or would you say... "NO, no, I was lying. I was just kidding." Why didn't Jesus say he was lying? Do you think he might have been telling the truth?

But as these words flew through my mind, I also thought... it will be pointless. We will stand and debate and nothing will change. I'm sure I won't change their mind and they won't change mine.

But am I really sure? Darn it, I just let an opportunity slip by. I'm such a coward.

Sage is in one of my speaking classes. Her answers are always poetic. Here is something she said recently in an interview concerning bad habits (she claims her bad habit is a weak will, because she can't wake up at 4AM to study).

Mr. Sleep said gently, "pretty girl, please sleep and don't wake up, and don't study harder."

A wisegirl once said, "Don't listen to Mr. Sleep."

1 comment:

Bethany Bylsma said...

thanks ry.
your voice was in the bon this morning. i turned around to see where you were.
it was eric.