Friday, February 9, 2007

Flying and Staring

I was thinking about all the people I try and regularly pray for. In my mind, I sort of floated into the air... and I would point each person out to God... "over there"... "take care of him"... "help her"... "comfort them"... I started to realize what a huge community I was a part of. A giant family really.

I also started to notice the many people that I used to pray for and have since forgotten. I'm glad God doesn't forget them.

I am reading CS Lewis and his thoughts make so much sense to me. But for some reason, I could never explain them to someone else. I would need to quote his text directly.

I couldn't sleep. So I sat... well, knelt on my bed with my head in my hands. I asked God to help me listen to his voice of silence. Gradually, I began to remember individual times that God has taken care of me. Times that were more than simple coincidence. Jobs, places to stay, food, wise words, friends, great family. I thought, "ryan, you need to stop dwelling on things that make you worry. Instead, remember things that make you smile."

Completely unrelated photo to the written content above. Enjoy.

Completely unrelated photo number two... however, it does happen to be related to completely unrelated photo number one.

A story. To make you smile.

I believe, I have (literally) stumbled upon the cutest little girl in Korea. Her name is Kate. She is very small and very smart (kindergarten age, maybe younger). She speaks very little English but tries so hard. What she is, is a tiny actress. Without warning, she will jump from her chair and transform English words into Korean action.

At the end of class, she approached me and spoke rapidly in Korean. Somehow, I'm not quite sure how, I immediately understood I was being challenged to a staring contest. So we stared... her face was completely still... consumed with utter concentration. And then... a tiny blink (because she's a tiny girl). I threw my hands into the air, gloating in my easy victory. A smile like an upside down rainbow filled her face. And she stomped her foot. I was being told, "Next time, I shall destroy you, puny teacher man."

A wisechild once said, "Teacher. Teacher. Mmmmmm and mmmmmm?" (with much shaking of hands and jumping around.)

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