Tuesday, February 6, 2007


So I thought maybe I should include some details from the other day.

I find myself encountering so many new experiences that new stories wipe out the old ones before I even get the chance to tell them. To combat this, I've taken to carrying around a little bit of paper. On this paper, I scribble notes to myself. Man, I'm such a weirdo (hey, I thought it was 'i' before 'e' except after 'c', but I looked up the word "weirdo" and I was temporarily knocked senseless by this apparent inconsistency). Here's one of my lists...

[3]bathroom accident

Now to decipher the code...

[1]This particular Irish girl was very kind and very forward. She wanted to dance. So we danced. I used an adapted east coast swing step appropriate for the hip-hop style. I'm not sure this girl had ever really danced before... or at least she wasn't used to actually having a guy lead her. After a rather humorous time, I held her hand out, bowed slightly, and returned to my comfy seat in the corner.

[1b]An old Korean woman patroled the various areas and attempted to sell flowers. I watched with curiosity as the Irish girl approached the flower woman. (By the way, I never learned the Irish girl's name, so I will continue to refer to her as "the Irish girl".) The Irish girl bought a bouquet of flowers. Then she gave the old woman a backrub. I wish I could have learned more about the Irish girl. But it was too loud.

[2]On the cab ride home, the driver kindly played Dolly Parton songs for us. He had a grin on his face when he popped in the tape. I'm not sure if that is because he really enjoyed the music, or he was getting his kicks by torturing us with it. Anyway, I thought it was funny. Dolly in Korea. Who would have thought?

[3]I used the bathroom in Seoul. The toilet was super fancy though, and I couldn't figure out how to flush the thing. There was this huge NASA control panel with forty different buttons. So I did the smart thing... I started pushing buttons. Suddenly, to my horror, a small tube slid out of the inside of the toilet. It was seriously like some sort of horrible sci-fi movie. The little tube arm immediately began spraying water at me. I dodged quickly, but not quickly enough. Some of the alien ooze (or maybe it was just water) soaked my right pant leg. I slammed the lid shut to prevent further disaster. This just caused water to spill out all over the floor. Than I started laughing... a lot. Once the monster stopped attacking (probably because of my intimidating laughter), I pulled my shirt down over the awkward wet spot, than I calmly returned to the group with no one the wiser.

The door to my thoughts... sometimes a bit unhinged.

A wiseman/fool once said, "Even a fool is thought wise until he speaks."


Mandipants said...


oh- you'll never really understand the pure joy you bring to the lives around you Ryman!

and we can be weirdo's together... I have often thought about jotting down notes to remind myself of writables for later :)

good to hear from you- I really miss you!
more to come soon I promise...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your stories and the laughter that you bring by sharing your adventures! I really liked the bathroom story...I laughed so hard when I read it.
I miss you my brother Rambo!