Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Photo Walk

Patterns. Shapes. They surround me. Jump at me. Laugh with me. Each one unique. I got their autographs. Shapes. Patterns.

These were taken today while I wandered. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

I spoke with a man at a construction site. We didn't use words.

By the way, I intentionally walked through a construction site. I blame my mother for my fascination with construction. When I was young, we didn't have money for boring stuff like cable tv, movies, or amusement parks. Instead, my mom would take me to construction sites where I would watch metal monsters battle.

Anyway, I narrowly avoided leaving footprints in wet cement. Luckily, I was able to leap before it was too late. I glanced up. The construction worker looked at me... looked at the footprint free cement... and smiled. I gave him a double thumbs up. Shook my head. And smiled. He waved me on to a safe path.

A wiseman once said, "A wiseman doesn't need words."


Ginny said...

Your photos make me happy.

Unknown said...

Holy cow, Ryan... great photos. I like the window/rag shot best. Keep up the good work...

Anonymous said...

Your mother obviously knew the finer things in life...and the opportunity to use that fabulous imagination of yours!

You are a WONDERFUL writer! I'm teaching kindergarten right now, and your blogs are such a blessing and have been making me look my littles guys in a whole new light, so thank you!

Sounds like the Lord is doing some pretty amazing things, I'm praying for you!!!

Jessi aka Lady :)

katie said...

you would...