I made this photo as a joke, but I like it. It makes me smile.
I'm now officially registered for swimming lessons at a local pool. Classes begin February 2nd. 7:00am - 8:00am Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
You see... I can swim... I can actually swim fairly well. I was even a lifeguard. And I love to swim. But I never took lessons. I just learned from family and from watching people. I decided, I could probably swim a whole lot better if I had the proper technique. So I signed up. Bought my mandatory swim cap and goggles. And got pumped. Oh yeah, a Korean friend of mine is taking the classes with me. Maybe he and I can swim across the Han river or something once we're really good.
As always, I am in search of the next new and exciting experience.
This coming weekend is the Lunar New Year. Everyone is rushing out of Seoul to spend the vacation with their families. Seoul becomes somewhat of a ghost town. A friend and I plan to use this time to take pictures of the city... without all her people getting in the way.
We'll probably make a stop at a Jimjillbang (not sure on the English spelling for this.), which is sort of like a public bath/spa/hostel/etc...
I haven't really been very "spiritual" on my most recent blog posts. Which is strange, because it's a fairly large part of my life. I have discussions about God, truth, religion, and spirituality nearly every day.
I think there are too many thoughts for me to easily write down, so I avoid trying... and stick with the simple.
Anybody want to buy some ChapStick?
you are still staring at me from my wall. and also the girl under the orange light too.
you look like you should be in Zoolander. just a thought "Blue Steal!"
hi teacher
i`m wendy
fighting for your swimming skilㅋㅋ
"too many thoughts for me to easily write down."
i completely understand :)
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