Friday, January 2, 2009


I went snowboarding for the first time in my life today. And it was pretty darn fun. I felt confident... and in no time I felt like I had the hang of it... then I headed to the "intermediate" hill... and went really really really fast and fell on my butt. And then I decided, you only get better when you challenge yourself... so I went up the "expert" ski-lift... and at the top, when I saw the sign that said "no beginners", I decided that maybe I should take the intermediate way down instead.

Sadly, I have virtually no photos... for the first half I actually carried my camera around with me on the slope, but it kept getting in the way (when I fell), so I finally put it in a locker.

I had a first today. My first snowboard. And it was fun. And I'm really sore now. And it was worth it. And I met some cool new people. And now I shall sleep.

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