Monday, November 24, 2008

Jet trails, cake syrup, and some pictures of stuff

Pictures from around.
Look for...
-the best cookie I have found in Korea... $5 for 8 individually wrapped cookies... Totally worth it.
-cake syrup, aka pancake syrup (it took me forever to find this stuff)
-a face saying "Oh!"
-a note written on the board by my student Jihan. He finished his work first, so after checking his papers, I then instructed other students to "check your paper with Jihan's"... apparently their requests were too aggressive, so Jihan threatened violence if they didn't stop "shouting" at him.
-my next memorization project
-jet trails
-some junk on the side of the road that for some reason I took a picture of.

Kids do weird stuff.
Today, Sally got a paper cut. She said it hurt. Albert told her to put spit on it. She told him she had already done that. We all decided there was nothing we could do for her. She just had to tough it out.

Then Albert proceeded to push back his sleeves, lick his fingers, rub the spit on his arms, and then blow on it. "I like this," he said. "Is very cold, but smell very bad."

I couldn't help it... I started laughing. I mean, how weird is that.

1 comment:

HektikLyfe said...

Those last two pictures are some of your best shots yet in my opinion!

I love the jet trails, they keep your eyes moving around the piece. It makes you try to figure out what the foreground object is. An incredibly steep mountain? A building?

The old tire is really cool too. I love the asymmetrical objects in there. The position of the triangular glass gives it a three dimensional effect. Nice work.

Oh and that kids sentence was classic. I love the emotion portrayed in the emphasized letters.

The Mrs. Fields in the mall is my favorite. They smell so good and fresh and are always warm and moist. I will go one of these days just to eat one and take pictures of it. :)