Saturday, June 13, 2009


Just a few pics from the baseball game.
Cool things...
-Super hyper cheerleader man
-Super carry everything snack and drink selling lady
-Super awesome old man who snags a fly ball from the hands of another man, but doesn't keep it and gives it to the other guy's son
-Super awesome burrito that I carried in with me, and I didn't even have to smuggle it in since it was okay to bring your own food
-Super awesome ride home on the motorcycle because I didn't have to ride the subway with the stampede of people that left the stadium at the end of the game

1 comment:

HektikLyfe said...

Definitely becoming a small world...

Dude, I just posted the word symmetry on your page and the next captcha is "symenta."

That is just too often. They HAVE to be using some sort of algorithm that takes portions of the recent posts and randomizes them.