Well, I made it safely back to Korea. The flight was long but smooth. I watched 4 movies. Three of them back to back. About that time I realized I was giving myself a headache, but it was worth it to burn 6 hours of flight time. I also got a bag of peanuts at one point. I didn't think they gave peanuts anymore (you know, people with allergies on the plane and stuff)... must have been my lucky day.
This arrival to Korea was very different from the last. I confidently exited the plane, grabbed my luggage, bought a bus ticket, and was out of there.
I started off my return with a school orientation. It went well. I think I'm really going to enjoy teaching here. I have my own classroom (it's called "Green Island") and I will be teaching the same 12 students for the entire year. I'm a little nervous, because I need to eventually organize an entire year of lesson plans for 7 year olds. I really want to do a good job. I want to teach them English, math, science, art, and fun. The first week will be spent gauging their skill level.
I also want to teach them some other things that might be more difficult... self-esteem, problem-solving, creativity, respect, compassion, doing things because they are the right thing to do, and more. I've got a long, exciting road ahead of me.
In the mean time, I've already started the adventures. A friend of mine is a radio DJ. She got some free tickets to this really great performance. It had comedy, break dancing, martial arts, drumming and more. It was awesome! The use of light was spectacular!
Also, I think I had a slight crush on the drummer girl.
And at one point I got dragged up on stage and had to dance. Everything was in Korean, so I just went with the flow... pretty fun.
Here's their website:
www.arirangparty.co.krHere are a few pics I took...