Wednesday, March 7, 2007

To Kill a Dinosaur

Sage came in to get interviewed. She had a huge scarf wrapped around her neck. I asked, "Are you cold?" She said no. "Then why are you wearing that scarf?"

Her answer... "Lego hair."

If you are confused right now, then you know exactly how I felt.

"Lego hair? What's lego hair?"

"My hair style is lego hair."

"And you don't like it so you hide it with the scarf?"


"Then why did you cut your hair that way."

"My teacher cut my hair. All girls must have lego hair."

And that's when it hit me. All the girls have the same hair cut because it's part of the school dress code. And calling it lego hair totally made sense... it looks like the hair you put on a lego man.

It snowed today. I watched a dude bean a girl with a snowball. She made a snowball... walked up very close to the guy... and threw... he was so slick... he ducked at the last second and her snowball went over his head. It was awesome. Then she started to squeel and punch him.

Girls are the same all over the world.

I came up with a new question for my interview classes... "What three things do you need to kill a T-Rex?" Here are a few answers...

[1]a helicopter
[2]a bomb
[3]a strong shield

[1]a flying broom
[2]a magic wand
[3]an invisible cloak

[1]a flying object
[2]a bomb
[3]a cell phone to call the army if the bomb doesn't work

[1]a cannon
[2]nuclear weapon
[3]weed killer... to kill all the plants, so all the animals die, and then the t-rex will starve to death.

But I don't want to kill a T-rex. I want to train it and keep it as a pet. But maybe it will want to eat me even though I don't have much meat. So I would have to kill it. I would dig a deep hole. Then I would have the t-rex chase me and get it to fall in the hole. Then I would fill the hole with kindling and light it on fire and kill the t-rex.

[2]a knife
[3]a canabalistic tribe
-These are Annie's three, of course. That girl cracks me up.-

[1]a long pole
[2]color my body green
I would color my body green and hide with the long pole. Then I would push the t-rex's hip with the long pole so it falls. Then shoot it in the neck with a gun. Then I will call my friend superman to grab a building and drop in on the t-rex and then I will burn the building.

-The rope is to break the t-rex's teeth so it can be a pet.-

[1]big stones
[3]a big bag
-The big bag is to carry the head back to Ewha to prove she killed a t-rex.-

[3]a megaphone
I need wisdom to come up with a strategy to kill the t-rex. I need luck because strategies are not 100 percent. I need a megaphone to overpower the t-rex.


Mandipants said...

your students are brilliant.

their stories make me smile.

you should check out this game Anderberg created...

love and miss you!

Father Dane said...

Ryan, you are an amazing teacher...and these are the most amazing answers in the world. A phone to call the army if the bomb doesnt work? Genius. That kid deserves a medal.

Ginny said...

I love it. It made me happy to read those responses. Yay for creative assignments and brillant students!

Bethany Bylsma said...

i learned the lindy hop tonight. and it was fun.
i thought of you a lot, and how when people tried to have spaghetti legs...they weren't very good at it, but you probably are, huh?

miss you.

Unknown said...

Ryan (Brian2??), Ada sent me the link to this blog and I enjoyed reading through it.I have heard rumors of the "other" christian guy at 영통.I work at 장안/정자동 ewha with Rebecca and Ada.Shoot me an email sometime...we should hang out. jesse.vogt/at/