Monday, January 29, 2007

Lessons in Language

So I have taught myself to read Korean characters (though I am still quite slow). The Korean written language is hailed as the most efficient and scientific written language in the world. It consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. I wonder what language we'll use in eternity?

Here is how you spell my name:
라 이 언 (ra - ee - un)

Because many of the kids call me "Lion", I often say my name is:
서 저 (sha - ja)
This is Korean for "lion".



A wiseman once said, "I am all things to all men."


Bethany Bylsma said...

want to fly over for a weekend?
i'm just sayin...

i could use some manly wisdom...and some scene it. :-)

Father Dane said...

Hey can you spell my name out in Korean?

I love you too man.