Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I had no idea 7 year olds were so twitterpated! Mostly the girls... they are always chasing the boys around. C. would chase J. around and around and when she would catch him she'd hug him and not let go. He didn't seem to mind too much.

I fell for the oldest trick in the book.
"Teacher, I have a secret." - S.
"Yes," I said as I bent down.
"Psst".... (smooch)
"Ahhh... you kissed me!" - me
(suddenly all the girls shrieked with laughter and went running... it must have been some sort of dare)

(A conversation overheard...)
"What's number 1?" - E.
"Pee." - Ch.
"What's number 2?" - E.
"Poop." - Ch.
"What's number 3?" - E.
"Wash your hands." - Ch.
"What's number 4?" - E.
"Ummm... It's a secret." - Ch.

Today, during "free reading time", Ja. jumped into my lap and showed me a book called "The Snowball". He has flipped through this same book every reading time and he laughs every time. It's about a snowball that starts small and eventually picks up all these people and then crashes at the end. He giggled and pointed as I helped him read. It was fun.

That's something I've been missing... fun. I've been struggling to manage these kids. The previous teacher apparently let them run wild... I am slowly undoing their past training. I sometimes feel I am simply disciplining them all day. However, there is hope... each day seems to be a little better.

"Never give up, never surrender!" - Galaxy Quest.


Anonymous said...

As Dr. James Dobson says, "Don't smile until Thanksgiving!" Course he wasn't being completely serious, but that seems to be what helps. Order first, then when they respect you, the fun begins. Sounds like you are finally starting to get to the fun part. :-) I am praying for you every day! Keep up the good work. And you need to post more often! :-)
I love you!

Unknown said...

Ah, the wise, wise wisdom of Galaxy Quest...

Here in Boulder they told us to be "mean to Halloween". I didn't manage that very well... I was more like "mean to week two."

Jamie said...

It seems the spring often has that effect...
Yes, there is always hope. A wise person once said, "This too shall pass."

Ginny said...

Fun will come in time. Management is a pain, with young children and old. But keep thinking back on your good stories. It's the kids that make you smile even when fun is missing. And, fun times will come again. The kids need to get used to you. You'll whip them into shape!