Monday, August 27, 2007

Sad Donkey and the Vampire Family

A children's story by Ryan Mortinson

I taught a great little reading class this last session. Stan (the man), Candy (I'm certain she will one day be a teacher), and Jeanie (the little princess).

As we read, we came upon a happy little family eating breakfast together. Jeanie suddenly exclaimed... "Teacher, vampires!" I had to laugh. First of all, they kind of do look like vampires (even though the story claims it's strawberry jam) and second... how the heck does a little girl who doesn't know the word "breakfast" know the word vampire?

The Vampire Family

We previously read a book titled "Happy Cat". As we read this new book "Careful Cousin" (aka The Vampire Family) we came upon the following pages. The same girl said... "Teacher, Happy Donkey..." and then as we turned the page... "Oh, Teacher, Sad Donkey."

Happy Donkey

Sad Donkey

At Ewha we have a sticker reward system. It's fairly simple. If a class behaves and participates, they get stickers. The class with the most stickers at the end of the session is deemed the "best class" and gets a pizza party.

You know when the end of the session is nearing because the kids start begging for stickers.
"Teacher, class sticker please!!!"
"Ok... Hey, wait a minute. Sally, I don't even teach your class this session!"
"Yes, teacher... but sticker please!!!"

I had to document the ridiculous amount of stickers.


Ginny said...

Yay! More kid stories! I felt quite the same way Jeanie did when I scrolled down and saw the pinata broken apart. It was quite awful!

Bethany Bylsma said...

oh gosh.
you're ridiculous.
your stories are ridiculous.
your whole life is one big ridiculous story.

drive your motorcycle to alaska please.


i'll make you pancakes.

Min said...

cuz vampire is vampire in korean
it's actually called bampire though~