Saturday, June 2, 2007

Volleyball Pirates

A brief summary...
Friday night I stayed at Min's place in Seoul. We ate some street food, grabbed some ice-cream, walked around, and somehow found our way to a PC Bang, where we played computer games until 2am. Min destroyed me. I was crying in shame (not really).

Woke up early Saturday morning (after sleeping about 3 hours) and watched Pirates of the Carribean 3 with Joanne, Jin, and P. Mike. Then I ate a slice of real pepperoni pizza.

Next we followed up on some rumors about beach volleyball. We found it. And the players were good. And tall. And really tan.

Then we wandered down to the basketball courts and I played several games with various groups. Now I'm exhausted, and excited about finally visiting Everland tomorrow.

What a day.

Completely unrelated photo: This is a new "fast food" I found. Chicken in the top, slushy in the bottom.

Unsung heroes

Maybe some day, I'll be as cool as this guy.

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